Funeral Wishes

Document Your Funeral Wishes

There are so many aspects to think about when planning your own funeral that it’s best to write it all down or record it somehow. This can be a list of requests, a letter to the person expected to carry out your wishes or a more formal document covering each detail. There are obvious important points to cover such as whether you prefer burial or cremation but here are a few points which may have been overlooked.

Include a current contact list of people you particularly wish to be informed of your death or attend your funeral and keep it up to date.

Your partner, spouse or family may not have a telephone number for your best friend from university 30 years ago!

If you would like a eulogy to be read think about what you want to be included. This may include a poem or passage from a favourite book – make notes or record pertinent facts. Some prefer to make a video eulogy, where the deceased prerecords their own eulogy to be played during the ceremony – this will obviously have to be arranged in advance.

Similarly, if you have strong ideas about what you would like in your obituary make sure you document it along with instructions for where you want it placed eg local newspaper

Maybe there are special photographs you would like to be used as part of the ceremony – get copies and keep them with your wishes document.

You may want to write a piece to be included for Order of Service or memorial cards.

Do you wish your body to be viewed? If so, do you have a shortlist of people who you would wish to see you?

The general consensus is that it’s best not leave to leave the document with or as part of your will as often it won’t be read until after the funeral has taken place.

For those of you who have very specific requirements and want to plan your funeral in detail we will be launching our funeral planning form soon.