Home Featured Creating a Ceremony Biodegradable Flowers for Eco Funerals

Biodegradable Flowers for Eco Funerals

Biodegradable Flowers for Eco Funerals – a blossoming industry.

In response to an increasing awareness of the environmental impact of funerals, a growing number of florists are creating ethical floral tributes. Many flowers that are sold in the UK are imported, often transported by air then refrigerated in lorries which, for some of us, leaves an unnecessarily high carbon footprint. As consumers we can choose to send sympathy bouquets or funeral tributes made from seasonal, British grown flowers. By doing so we, not only, lower our carbon footprint but are also supporting local growers and farmers.


There are, of course, over the winter months fewer native, British flowers available.

Florists, committed to good environmental practice, import certified flowers which are sustainable and ethically sourced.

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